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The Ferryman is my personal collection of articles and photographs about ferriesabout the crossings, the boats, the places around and the experience. While there thousands of ferries around the world, The Ferryman concentrates on those on the Ottawa and Saint Lawrence rivers in eastern Canada, and on any others I have come across in my travels.
For my whole life I have sought out ferries when I travel. So in 2016 when we found ourselves in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River on a two-day ferry trip to the Magdalen Islands I asked myself Why not put together a website to share my ferry photos and experiences?
The target I set was to visit, photograph and write about all the Ferries of the Ottawa and Saint Lawrence rivers. Many of these I have already visited, some have been on my wish-list for a long time, and some I didn't know existed until I started researching. My catalogue is far from complete, but I'm having fun working on it.
As the project got under way I found that I have many old photos and memories of ferries elsewhere around the world, and so I started adding them to this site too. But many of these documented in less detail, and some of my photos go back over 50 years to my first camera, a black and white film Brownie.
This isn't a travel guide, nor is it a compendium of facts about boats. Don't expect a lot of detail about the horsepower or tonnage. It's an excuse to publish my photos, and personal accounts of the ferries and the places around them. I try to keep the information accurate and up to date, but please don't rely on what I saygo to the official sources for prices, schedules etc.
Please tell me when I get anything wrong, send me any any stories you might have about these ferries. And most of all, if I've missed one, please tell me so I can go and check it out.
Except where noted all photos and text are minethat's what I enjoy doing. Come back oftenI still have plenty of photos to add and lots of ferries on my list to check out and write up. Like life, this is a work in progress.

Below is an overview of what The Ferryman has to offer. Return here to continue exploring, or click the ☰ Menu buttontap the menu button above left at any time.

Ferries of the Ottawa and Saint Lawrence rivers

This is the main feature of The Ferryman and covers all the ferries of the Ottawa and Saint Lawrence rivers in eastern Canada. This is my home territory and these rivers support a large and varied collection of ferries that inspired this project.
Many of these I have used, and the others are in my sights to visit as soon as possible. Most are illustrated with better quality, up-to-date photos and text. But some that I last saw many years ago are not so well covered.

Other ferries in Canada and around the world

Growing up in Britain and enjoying travelling, I have come across ferries around the world. So I have organised my photos and experiences here, but in a way that is more personal and less rigorous than for the Ottawa and Saint Lawrence.
Some of these photos were taken 50 years ago. I have scanned in creased black and white prints taken with my old Brownie, and slides with finger prints. But many others are recent and better quality. These sections are very much still a work-in-progress as I catch up with my old material.

Odds and ends

Some admin

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