From the camp-ground we could see the ferry terminal. On impulse we decided to see if we could get a ticket—the Inside Passage trip was well known for its beauty. But it was the middle of summer, we had no booking, and not much cash. But luck was with us—there was space for us and our vehicle and the fare was reasonable.
The boat was the MV Queen of the North, and we skipped getting a cabin, both to save money and to spend as much time as possible on deck enjoying the view. Unfortunately it was an overnight trip, so we missed some of the scenery. But what we did see was magnificent. This ferry route also serves a number of remote communities along the coast; I remember calling at Bella Coola on our trip.
This ferry trip was one of the highlights of a great trip, and was smooth, had great weather and was completely uneventful. We’ve recommended it to anyone prepared to listen, and dreamt of repeating it one day. Then in 2006 came the accident—the news that the Queen of the North had run aground and sunk with the loss of two lives doing exactly the same trip we had taken 25 years earlier.
This was a disaster that shook Canadians—this wasn’t the sort of thing that happened in our country. As so often in accidents like this the inevitable investigations and court cases turned up a whole load of problems with the operation of the ship, although the main cause of the accident was human error, or more likely gross incompetence.
BC Ferries learned a lot from this and their operations have improved as a result. The boat was replaced, the service continues, and given half a chance I’d go back and do it again – preferably all in daylight.
External links related to the
Farewell to a Queen—a book review.
This is a volume that covers the final voyage of the Queen of the North, and the rescue operation, the inquiries and the trial that followed.
This dries up and drags somewhat when it comes to describing the official analysis of the accident and the trial of one of the crew. There seems to be a lot of repetition in this section, and a bit too much of the author’s personal views.
The book finishes with several appendices and a glossary which don’t really add all that much. I finished with a feeling that the author had to struggle to pad the book out enough to make a product of it.
The potential audience for this book is limited, but I was glad that I read it. I’d travelled on the same boat on the same route, and followed the news intently when the accident happened, so it all meant a lot to me personally.
Farewell to a Queen – The Mysterious Sinking of the Pride of BC Ferries, by Don Douglass ISBN: 978-1-934199-04-6, Published in 2013. 143 pages
Ferry info
Operating year-round
The boats
See operator's website
British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. (BC Ferries)
When I used the ferry
July 1981
More photos
It was 1981, I was using Kodachrome slide film, and short of money. So, beautiful and interesting as it all was, there aren't many photos!

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