szThisFerry, szThisTerm1, szThisTerm2
My parents and I took the MacBrayne ferry to Tarbert in August 1971. We did it as a day trip, as foot passengers. At Tarbert we took the local bus to Stornoway in the Isle of Lewis to look around the town.
The islands of Harris and Lewis are not distinct, but joined together at Tarbert. Here where the ferry docks the island is all but broken in two, with only about 750 yards of land separating the two shores. But this does not form the join between Harris and Lewis—Harris in fact extends about 10 miles further north. From our short bus ride that day what I remember most was how what looked like an arbitrary line on the map was actually a strong change between the mountains of Harris and the open moorland of Lewis, pockmarked with lochans.
If you can make it to that part of the world and like that sort of landscape (which I love), then take a look at the
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