Information on the web about this ferry is a bit sparse and in many places it is referred to as the "Foot" ferry. Combined with the thought that surely an island this small in this day of squeezed government budgets should not warrant two ferries, I doubted it still existed.
The trip took just three minutes; just long enough for me to squeeze out of the car door and take a photo. In fact there was so little room between the cars and the side of the ferry (and the water) that I didn't feel safe being out there too long.
It was a shame the trip was so short, as there was little time to appreciate it. But I wouldn't really have wanted to get too far away from shore in such a small boat with three large cars on top of it. I don't think I've seen such a small ferry anywhere in North America—yet!
Names… I found the names of the two points where the ferry docks—Bishops Point and Gillespies Point—from looking at the Canadian topographic maps. I've not seen these names ever mentioned with respect to the ferry. It may well be the locals have other names, or just refer to "the east end of the island" and "the ferry dock on the Gananoque side". So if you have to, just ask for the ferry—"Bishops Point" or "Gillespies Point" may just be met by a blank look.
External links to stories and photos
Ferry info
3 minutes crossing time
on demand (no schedule)
on demand (no schedule)
The boat
$6 return, car and passengers, payable going to the island.
Frontenac Islands Township
When I used the ferry
November 6th, 2016
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